Here at Ercolino Shoemakers we believe that crafting custom shoes is a commitment for all parties involved. Our commitment to you is to make you quality footwear that is first and foremost, functional. Secondly, based on the agreed upon style, we will do our best to make it look as aesthetically pleasing as possible; however, please understand that we are sometimes limited by the shape and condition of the feet.

Many foot problems can be greatly minimized with proper footwear, but there is NO guarantee that the shoes will solve your problems. It is our goal to meet and/or exceed your expectations. Please do your best to let us know what your expectations are and we will do our best to let you know how we think our footwear and orthotics can help your particular situation. We ask that you express ALL of your concerns and ask any questions you may have prior to us beginning production on your footwear. We are not mind readers and once we have started production on your shoes, it may be too late to make certain changes.